
Tags: gae


這一二天官方Blog公告了 App Engine 1.6.3 Released的消息。多了什麼新功能,我是不怎麼在意,但是看到官方提的下面這段話,就不得不在意了。

Billed applications can now specify the amount of storage used for logs and the duration of time these logs are stored (default is 90 days) as well as view the currently stored amount in the Admin Console. The first gigabyte of logs storage is free and additional storage will be charged at $0.24/G/month. These settings are now available, but additional storage will not be charged for at least 4 weeks, at that point any logs beyond the configured amount will be deleted.

簡言之,GAE裡的logs storage上限是1G,如果你的logs storage上限在admin console設定超過1G的話,多的部份要收錢了。(my os:「錢錢錢...G社這個死要錢的!」)

要改這部份相關設定,可以在admin console照下圖的方式進行調整。G社給的系統預設值是1G,所以預設情況下是不會多收費的,除非你把上限調到超過1G。不過...如果你的程式每天會產生巨量的log,或是半年一年內的歷史log明細對你很重要,那最好還是乖乖去調上限付這筆錢吧,不然超過quota後,舊的log資料會被reset,萬一臨時想查古早的舊log就沒得查了,那這下就悲劇了。